Team Workshops

The dynamics in your team

Are you in charge of a team? Have new employees joined recently? Do you notice that at certain moments not everyone always understands each other equally well? Then consider a workshop on team dynamics. For this, we start from your own and your employees’ profiles.

We will look at your communication style, where everyone has a preference in their communication, and you will also get more insight into your motives, but also how you react during stress moments. Where are the pitfalls and how do you deal with them. We start from a half-day kick-off session.


Afterwards, everyone will receive an individual debrief of their profile to be able to deploy from there to the one-day workshop with the entire team.

During our workshop, we go deeper to gain more insight into the other person. Why do employees think along with you or not? By placing everyone on the DISC behavior mat, you already get a lot of insights into the dynamics of your team. We go one step further and look at how you can start to adapt better to the other person. It’s a highly interactive day to make sure we start following DISC’s platinum slogan specifically, ‘treat  others as they want to be treated’.

Investment: €925

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