The DISC Personality Analysis -
Are You Perhaps The Analytical Blue Type?

In DISC, the four letters represent personality styles, with blue being the C of conformity. People with a high score in blue, are analytical and have a closed and expectant attitude. What does it mean for your career and personal environment when you are a blue type and how can you take this into account within your development?

What Does Blue Stand For In DISC?

People with a high score on the blue area like to act in an orderly and correct manner. Routine and precise work are high on the list of the C type, where they can deal well with authority and rules imposed for the performance of certain tasks. People with a high C-type score are especially seen in important positions with great attention to detail, such as bankers, scientists and accountants, so professions where working according to meticulous rules and laws is important.


What Are The Strengths Of The Blue Type?

Blue types are ideal in crisis situations because they take a step back and look at the situation calmly before making decisions. People with a high C-score are not emotional, which means that they react calmly and do not allow themselves to be influenced easily. At the same time, these types can deal well with rules and authority, add quality to any team, and are specialists in their field, with a keen interest in delving even deeper into the subject matter.

What Are The Pitfalls Of The Blue Type?

A blue type is often seen as impersonal and flat, with too much attention to detail which can clash with the other personality styles. Also, the blue type can quickly slip into neurotic behavior where everything must be examined in a systematic, structured manner, which causes considerable delay within the work processes and personal atmosphere. The perfectionist attitude can be destructive within a team and for the blue type himself, especially when the bar is set too high for a long time and this is not inhibited by an authority. C-types can also be seen as indecisive because it takes a long time to gather all possible information and to draw conclusions from this.

On the social front the blue type scores few points, which often makes it difficult to classify these people as team players. This is partly due to the fact that you first have to prove yourself to a blue type before you are considered a friend.


What Exactly Can I Do With This?

If you score a lot of points in the blue area, it can be useful to show a little more interest in others from time to time, so that the team dynamic improves. If you’re working with a true C-type, put the emphasis on facts and information. If you set up a structured and organized work environment, you can get the most out of the blue type.

Would you like to have a DISC analysis done yourself or would you like to know more about our coaching and guidance for your career? Then contact us, so that together we can look at what you need.