Leadership Workshop

In the leadership program, during 4 training days , 3 moments of peer review and individual mentoring, we focus on a number of important basic principles that you, as a novice in charge of a team, can immediately start applying! The topics can also be a very interesting refresher for experienced leaders.

To begin with, we look at your leadership profile, using the DISC model that will give you a better understanding of who and how you are as a leader. Is it an ordeal for you to lead your teams or can you easily adapt to the profiles of your employees? We will be examining this together with your co-participants, during the kick-off. Afterwards, we’ll dive into your personal result during an individual moment.

On day 1, we’ll start working with the different leadership styles and we’ll also look at your self-management, because to lead others, it comes down to knowing and leading yourself properly.

From there, we will look at what drivers are at play within teams, what is the importance and influence of values, communication, (corporate) culture, inclusiveness, impact of emotions and generations in daily functioning. In addition, what is going on above and below the line in your teams? Being able to take this into account is  extremely important when managing your team. This brings us to the deployment of situational leadership in the model of Hersey and Blanchard and your search for your personal style within the model of David Goleman’s 6’s styles to evolve towards value-creating leadership. We will also work on toxic leadership, what is its genesis and how to deal with it.

During day 2 of the first module, we work around communication styles, what are the types, how do we communicate and what is the impact of the different forms of communication to achieve connecting communication with your team. Based on the latter, we will look at how to create a fearless organisation in Amy Edmonson’s philosophy and how to grow towards psychological safety within teams.

Between the first and second sessions, we’ll meet again for a day of individual peer review, we’ll also give you an assignment to work on.

During the second module, we revisit the basics of situational leadership, you will do some exercises as a brief refresher from the first 2 days of the leadership program. From here we will go into deeper insights around the influence of culture and generations, how to combine the generation X  in your teams, idem as for Y with generation Z and prepare for the emerging gen Alpha. Next, we’ll look at  your approach in and around multicultural teams.

During the afternoon, we look at making teamwork successful and what are possible dysfunctions, we’ll end with the mental and physical well-being of your team.
We make a link to the next training day where we invite you to a group intervision where we want to give you an anchoring of the learnings.

During the last day of our training program, we go  deeper into applying the knowledge, even if we have already done a lot of exercises and identified different approaches. We’ll move to the next step in the design and implementation of coaching, mentoring and feedback. We’ll also look at soldifying this in your day-to-day approach and striving for results by going further into the methodology of setting goals and how to motivate your employees to go after them.

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