Atelier Sales Essentials

In the Sales Fundamentals journey, we take you into the wonderful world of sales. We do this via a 4-day program spread over several months. We start by getting to know yourself (better) as a salesperson through a personal profile. What are your own drivers and how do you interact with your customers. Through a personal interaction moment, we delve deeper into your own profile to be completely ready to start the sales process.

During the first 2 days, we come back to your profile and start the exploration of the different profiles of sales people and, of course, of customers. We reflect on how sales was done in the past and even more on how to prepare for the future. We not only look at your drivers but also at the needs of the buyer and what the expectations are as we go deeper into generations and cultures. In other words who is the customer and how can we translate all this into the approach to the sales cycle with the ultimate goal of how to turn our leads into customers.

After an interim assignment between the two sessions, in module 2 we will start with how you can connect even better with your customer and how you can further fine-tune your sales conversations to arrive at the best proposal. What is the right approach here? We consider how best to deal with resistance in sales conversations and how at certain moments it is better to sell a no than to chase an unprofitable signature.

We reflect on the best approach to cash in on your customer relationship in the long term. We put the focus on generating loyal customers! To do this, we look at tools that can help you and, more importantly, how you can make a difference.

Before we start the last module, we plan a virtual group intervision where we look back on the past months and where you can bring in some concrete cases.

In the 4th and final module, we will put you in the spotlight, through small steps together : we will look at how you manage presenting, we will look at your sales pitch, refine your storytelling and public speaking.

Investment: €2495 per person
Tailor-made solution on request.

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